
Nuclear technology has been a contentious issue for decades. The use of nuclear weapons and power has both advantages and disadvantages. Both proliferation optimists and pessimists find confirmation of some of their key claims. The results indicate that the impact of nuclear weapons and power is more complicated than is conventionally appreciated so it is essential to weigh these out before coming to a conclusion about using nuclear technology.


Nuclear technology is one of the greatest inventions of mankind, which has enormous potential to solve present days problems. But the weaponization of this great technology has created complicated situations. 

Nuclear weapon:

On one hand, the threat of nuclear weapons has played a role in maintaining a balance of power and deterring large-scale war between major world powers. but it also increases the chance of threatening or dominating the smaller countries that don't have access to such weapons. By combining, these findings provide support for the existence of the stability—instability paradox. 

On the other hand, nuclear weapons also increase the risk of catastrophic events and the potential for accidental or intentional use., which would result in millions of deaths and significant environmental damage (Freedman, 2014). Furthermore, the production, maintenance, and deployment of nuclear weapons also divert resources that could be used for social welfare, education, and economic development.

Nuclear power:

In terms of nuclear power, it can provide a source of clean energy without producing carbon emissions, which is a significant advantage in the fight against climate change.). Nuclear power plants have a relatively low marginal cost of electricity, meaning that once the plant is built, the cost of producing electricity is low, it is safe, reliable, and efficient. However, the disposal of nuclear waste and the potential for nuclear accidents, such as the ones at Chornobyl and Fukushima, are significant concerns. Nuclear waste remains radioactive and dangerous for thousands of years and there is currently no safe way to dispose of it (International Atomic Energy Agency, 2020). Additionally, the risk of nuclear accidents can have severe consequences, both in terms of human lives and the environment.


In conclusion, the use of nuclear technology is a highly controversial and complex issue, with valid arguments on both sides. While nuclear weapons have played a role in maintaining a balance of power and deterring large-scale war, the existence of nuclear weapons also increases the risk of catastrophic events and the potential for accidental or intentional use. Nuclear power can provide a source of clean energy, however, the disposal of nuclear waste and the potential for nuclear accidents are significant concerns. Ultimately, it is up to society to weigh the pros and cons of nuclear technology and come to their own conclusion on the issue.

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